Monday, October 24, 2011

The Lord provides

What. A. Day. That's all I can say as a quick summary.

This past week has been such a roller coaster of emotions for me.  I have had things dug up from my past, I've been told lies, I've been broken of so many things to the point where I thought I was at my spiritual breaking point.  Of course reliance on the Lord comes first, but I also needed support from the people around me but honestly didn't know how to go about it.  I'm a very "to myself" "hard to crack open" type of person so sharing trials isn't easy for me.  I'd much rather just keep it between me and God most of the time.. but that'd be far too easy.  As Galatians 6:2 says, Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. I'm not the type to talk to whoever will listen, I can be a bit of an introvert at times, but this past week I've just been spilling my heart to those around me who I know love me and just sharing my burdens and taking on theirs.  With that being said, I've had one encounter to the next where the Lord has revealed to me how awesome my community is and that He always has his hand in every situation that I'm faced with.

My roomies and I had a great conversation last night about struggles, lessons being learned, and just encouraging one another to stick it out and stand firm.  It's so great to have that community right here at home, to always have someone just a door away if I need some truth or encouragement.  It doesn't end there.. Braden and I had one of the most solid, unplanned, encouraging talks tonight and it truly is amazing how the Lord can surprise us and use us to encourage one another.  I ended up being 30 minutes late to my Communications team meeting due to that talk (definitely worth it) but I was kind of iffy on if I should still go.. but I thought to myself "why not" you might as well.  Once I got there, yep you guessed it, the Lord surprised me again by our teams "high-low" game turning into a full life chat about what is going on spiritually in each of our lives.  Our team has gone from being strangers to family in the matter of a few weeks and it is SO encouraging to know that I have so many brothers and sisters in Christ to help point me towards the Lord in all that I do.

 Even though that was a quick summary of today, it has been incredible.  The Lord has been SO evident in all  of my conversations today, and he truly is saying "look Jessi, look at what I have provided, I haven't left your side."  Going from feeling so spiritually lost and alone to having my heart so full in the matter of a day is unbelievable, the Lord's name is written ALL over that.  My encouragement to anyone and everyone who reads this, don't give up, our God is faithful and He always provides!

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